Sunday 14 April 2013

QSFB: Quay Side Fish Bar & Bistro

QSFB is located at the Quayside Isle inside the Sentosa Cove Village.  To get here you can take Bus 3 from Sentosa Beach Station and alight at Sentosa Cove Village and walk towards Quayside Isle (about 5 mins away).  For those driving here you will need to pay the Sentosa admission to enter the island, there are ample parking here rates (correct at time of publishing) as follows:

7.00am - 12.59am: S$3.50 per entry
1.00am - 6.59am: S$1.50 per entry

Quayside Isle is still a fairly new place, most of my friends are not aware of this place although it opened around mid December last year (2012).  I like the setting here, it gives me a very carefree feel away from the busy and fast paced city life.  There are people strolling with dogs, kids playing, lovers just admiring the scenary.  Hope this place doesn't get crowded and noisy like the city.

There are quite a number of restaurants here and its a good place to chill.  But in this post I will be blogging about QSFB.

Initially I had wanted to try the restaurants at the start of the stretch but the dining tables are all reserved, the manager offered some sofa seats but they are just uncomfortable for eating with low lying tables.  It turns out to be a blessing in disguise as I chance upon QSFB which isn't crowded and has a cosy feel so I decided to give it a try.

A look inside the restaurant.  They have quite a selection of wine and cocktail.

The seafood listed on the blackboard.

The menu has some standard dishes but they also have fresh seafood and it changes depending on the catch they have which I think is good as this means I can try different dishes when I am here.  These fresh seafood are listed on the blackboard and you can choose the type of cooking method you want for your dishes.  However do note that a S$25 cooking charge is added to each fresh item you ordered from the blackboard and it comes with 1 side dish.  I find the selection of side dishes a bit limited, would be good if they can have like 10 side dishes(5 cold and 5 hot) to choose from.

There is quite a selection of fresh fishes.  If you are curious like me the right most fish is the Alfonsino, we ordered the 2nd fish from the right, any idea what fish is it?  No prizes for guessing correctly though, its the red grouper, think I am addicted to the grouper after the Batam trip.  The staff is also very help and patient in explaining to me what fish there are and the type of cooking method that compliment each type of fish.

Here are the oysters and Boston lobster.  We ordered both of them.

The crab legs and Canada crayfish.

Here comes our first dish. The 3 types of oyster (Canadian, Irish, US Kumamoto), there is a minimum order of half a dozen but you can mix and match the different types of oyster.  The biggest and most juicy one is the one in focus at the front of the photo, the Canadian Oyster.  The right one is the US Kumamoto and the one at the back is the Irish oyster.  I still prefer Canadian oyster.

This is the pan-seared red grouper, I find the seasoning a bit salty but the fish is very fresh and goes will with the cooking method.  It is about 600grams.  I chose the sautéed vegetables as the side dish (not in photo).

The herb crusted Boston lobster.  The meat is very juicy and 'bouncy', actually I didn't expect so much meat so its quite worth it.  Oh ya the claws has alot of meat as well.  It weighs 560grams.  The sides for this is truffles fries, which I think is quite good which right proportion of truffle.

A very satisfying meal indeed, the total bill comes to around S$200+, which I find reasonable.  Will definitely come back again.

31 Ocean Way
#01-11 Quayside Isle
Sun - Thu: 12:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat: 12:00 - 01:00

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